Improving the cost accounting advantage
In many industrial concerns, the cost accounting department is where a new accounting graduate cuts his or her professional teeth and quickly moves on to supervise the work of costing technicians. The new generation of management accountant can therefore ill afford to take cost accounting lightly. Unfortunately, undergraduates often fail to grasp the importance of these concepts. The author has been teaching cost accounting for over 20 years and, in all that time, has never given up when confronted with poor exam results. A seminar on problem-based learning offered by the faculty of medicine at the University of Sherbrooke, and a major curriculum overhaul of the undergraduate program in accounting in the late 1990s, helped change his teaching style. This approach gives students the opportunity to develop their methodical and analytical skills. With this new approach, students are more interested in the concepts of traditional cost accounting and exhibit much greater mastery of them.
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